
Official Google Partner

  • Get live leads into your business

  • Monthly and weekly reviews and reports

  • Daily optimisation on all your ads

  • Increase your traffic, leads and sales

  • Affordable Google Ads Management

  • Google Partner

  • Forecasting - Report on the result you will get for your budget

  • Fixed Monthly Fees

Free Forecasting

Fill out your details, and we will send you a free report on what kind of result you could expect within your budget.

This report will show you how many potential leads, traffic or product sales you can expect to achieve over a certain space of time. This would be a great way to work out your budget and the return on your spend.

A business built on transparency and accountability

When you spend money on advertising, you expect a return on your investment, that is why we track all of our results and report back to you directly. If you are not happy with your results, we change, improve and get the results you deserve. We are an official Google Partner, which means we are required to maintain high results and standards as is expected from Google Headquarters.

GoogleClint are official partners of Google. This is very important to you as a consumer, let me explain… In order to achieve the status of ‘Google Partner’ we had to achieve certain milestones in connection with ‘Performance’, ‘Spend’ and ‘Certification’.

PERFORMANCE - Find new opportunities with recommendations and get the most out of your campaigns by maintaining an optimization score of at least 70% on your Google Partners manager account, at GoogleClint we maintain an optimisation score of over 90%.

SPEND - Maintain a $10,000 USD 90-day spend across your managed accounts by helping your clients consistently identify new growth opportunities and sustain their success with Google Ads.

CERTIFICATIONS - Show that your company has the expertise on the latest Google Ads products and solutions by ensuring 50% of the account strategists in your company are certified.

Overview of the Partner requirements

Free Consultation

If you have questions to ask, or you just want to talk through a few possible strategies, we would be more than happy to talk things through

Free Google Ads Review

Have you already got a Google Ads up and running but not quite getting the result you need or just don’t know if it’s a good result or not? We would be more than happy to do a full review of your current ads.

Free Forecasting

Are you wondering if it is even worth investing in Google Ads? With some clever software and Google data, we can show you what result you can expect from the budget you have

Flexible Agreements

We believe that if you provide a good enough service, our clients will stay with us long term. Our principles are all based on accountability, which means getting results for you.

Updates And Reporting

To remain accountable for your results, we will provide regular updates, including monthly video updates about your account. We believe this approach will keep us transparent and accountable

Fair Pricing

We have a fixed price whether you are looking at just help with setting up through to managing multiple accounts, the amount is agreed at the start, so we can get cracking with the interesting stuff.


As part of an overall digital marketing strategy, display ads have their part to play in brand awareness and an active role in purchase intent. Where applicable, we utilise display ads to compliment other campaign types. Furthermore, the display network is also great for remarketing, a form of advertising extremely useful for keeping your brand at the top of your prospect’s mind. With cleverly created display assets, we can choose placements that are matched closely to your niche. If managed poorly, display ads can be wasteful, making it important to use the experience and expertise of a dedicated Google Ads manager to get the best from this campaign type.


If you’re looking to extend your reach, with the right assets, advertising on YouTube can be valuable to target users based on groups, interests and locations. The most common barrier to entry is having content of a high enough quality. Whilst we do not offer a video content creation service, if you already have content then we are able to create ad campaigns on YouTube. Why advertise on YouTube? According to Statista 2022, over 2.6 billion people worldwide use YouTube once a month and technically YouTube is the second-largest search engine, after Google.


If you are selling a product direct from your website, then this could be the best campaign for you. This could also be more effective when run along something like a search campaign.


A discovery campaign would run ads on YouTube, Gmail, Discover and more. This campaign is excellent for general brand awareness.


The vast majority of our clients have at least one search ads campaign, purely because of their excellent effectiveness. There are varying strategies that incorporate search ads, including brand awareness and people who have real intent to buy or enquire. However, it’s not uncommon for advertisers to poorly configure this campaign type, which can lead to less than desirable results. For search ads to be effective relies on comprehensive keyword research, excellent copywriting skills and expert data measurement and optimisation.

Types Of Campaigns

Our Strategy


We carry out in depth research in order to understand your current position and that of your competitors, including any current Google Ads. We carefully review what’s working and what isn’t, employing our specialist expertise.


We develop an individual strategy for your company that addresses your target market and key objectives. We like to be ambitious, but we balance this with decisions based on our experience and knowledge.


We perform daily reviews and generate weekly reports. By analysing your data on a daily basis, it gives us a good base to constantly improve your results. We also analyse your competition to stay ahead.


Based on our analysis of the data, we use this information combined with our expertise to make decisions and ensure you have an effective campaign that is consistently delivering results.


Based on our analysis of the data, we use this information combined with our expertise to make decisions and ensure you have an effective campaign that is consistently delivering results.






Free Google Ads Audit

Our free Google Ads Audit includes various checks to ensure your Google Ads are performing optimally. Our detailed audit will focus on areas of improvement, detect where wastage is occurring and provide information about the account structure, settings, conversion tracking, keyword usage, ad texts, bid adjustments and much, much more